Tuesday, April 25, 2017


Our first dog, Alex, loved the water. He'd even dive to the bottom of the lake to retrieve a stone we'd toss for him. Our other dog, Fred, was just the opposite. He'd daintily tug at the leash in order to avoid getting his paws wet in a puddle

The wet view from our apartment window.
For us, today was a Fred day. Wind. Cold, steady rain. All day. We had planned to use our Metro tickets to go to Les Halles, as the Brucatos strongly suggested, but since it involved who knew how much walking, we opted instead to walk to the street market along the river instead. It was a shadow of the one on Sunday, but there were enough poor vendors for us to buy wine (of course), asparagus (in season), cherry tomatos, nuts, and tiny spring potatoes. We had planned on buying lamb chops, but had to wait until we returned to our shopping street for those, plus the mandatory stop for a baguette and pastries.

The Loot
At home, we munched on some of our loot, read a little, looked out the window at people hurrying by with umbrellas, and at cars with wipers flapping, before succumbing to long naps and more reading before the anxiously awaited Happy Hour.

Now dinner is cooking and we are awaiting the feast!

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